Our forums were created with our Facebook followers in mind; to collaborate!
We believe the the forums provide a safe space to lead discussions and keep them on topic.
You’re all invited to be a voice by participating with creating topics and replying in discussions. Moderators are available to assist you when needed.
TO GET STARTED, we ask that everyone adhere to our Community Guidelines under “Community Announcements”.
Book a Candle Making Experience!
We offer classes on Friday, Saturday, & Sunday. Each ticket is served a complimentary drink for adults & kids.
BYOB and food of your choice is acceptable to bring with you.
We have also added our new pricing for kids,teens & 6+guest group tickets
Click our link down below to check our dates and for booking. If you are in need for immediate inquiries or have any questions please feel free to contact us at 561-421-5451.
Thank you for your addition to our forum! 😊